Monday, 21 February 2011

4 Provinces Route Summary

Day 1
Leopardstown Co Dublin to Cobh Co Cork. Lunch and collection stop in Clonmel. Staying at Bella Vista hotel Cobh that night (Dinner, B & B = €59 PPS) 
Day 2
Cobh to Spiddal Co Galway. We will host a display of all cars on the run in Eyre Sq in Galway that afternoon. Staying at Connemara Coast Hotel that night  (Raffle and pub Quiz) Dinner B&B = €80 pps
Day 3
Spiddal to Ballyshannon Co Donegal staying at Creevy hotel overlooking Donegal Bay €59 Dinner B&B PPS. Hoping to meet up with NI Triumph owners club
Day 4
Ballyshannon to Dublin via Strabane Omagh Monaghan arriving back at Sunshine Home at 6pm
There will be a press call at end of August and we hope to have Miriam O Callaghan a patron of Sunshine home in attendance.
We are limited to 40 cars and 60 people due to accommodation constraints. If you would like to participate please forward a booking deposit of €75 to me asap. The final accommodation balance €125 (Total is €200 for 3 nights Dinner B&B- GREAT VALUE) will be due at the end of April. 

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